I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The horror story of the zoo.

So we get out around 9 get snacks, make sure the kids have everything that they need. The trip there was fine.. (we stopped in northbend to get the girls shoes)We get out of the car (we are now at the zoo) and Allison's pants are soked she is wearing leggings. UGH so I change her real quick figuring she wont feel the wetness threw her leggings. So off to the zoo. We are 15 min into the journey of the zoo, and so far it's ok a bit of a hassle to get the babies in and out of the stroler to see the animals. THEN BEN starts really acting up when i made the mistake of telling him to sit in the stroller since the babies had monkie harnesses, turns out the babies wanted back in the stroller so that was a big ordeal ben was flipping the hell out and I MEAN REALLY FREAKING. So im like "I'll spank your ass in front of all the damn animals if you don't stop" of course that made him have a bigger tantrum, then he is like "IM TIRED OF WALKING" UGH we didn't even walk far or looked at anything really yet. So after we have looked at some animals, like the zebras and giraffes and hippos we go all the way back to the begginging to get a wagon. Then of course all the kids want in the god damn wagon (Caitlyn has been good threwout the hole trip) So we head down to the rain forest and then discover you can't bring in strollers or wagons. So we are like FUCK it because ben wants his god damn teddy grams and is still flipping out, at this point im UPSET and not enjoying myself. So we head out to the car. what a waste of 40 bucks. Then there is this balloon man, makes all the kids baloons and when he is done he asks for a donation. Im sorry but Im greedy and said i only have my debit card, then Brandon blurts out "don't you got cash from getting the wagon?" Ohhhh yeah i forgot,as i roll my eyes at him. I didn't want to waste money on the god damn balloons if i knew they costed money! So i handed the money to Brandon. Our next trip was going to be Chuckie cheese, but as we get into the car both babies ARE SOKED. and we don't have any other clothes for the twins. So Brandon is like sorry caitlyn we will have to go next time, she just starts BALLING. saying how she was a good girl, at this point i have my sunglasses on and tears are streaming down my face, im trying to hide them from brandon. Then he goes are you ok? Im like yeah.... he goes well do you want to find a store to get the twins some new clothes, so we drove to bellvue and I stopped at sears...... Okay i walk in.... not alot of childrens clothes, it was Bare. I found some clearence items, then i ask where i check out the lady goes "at mens down there " as she points in some odd direction, i go "where"? and she doesnt lead me I SAID bluntly "YOU GOT REAL GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE LADY." So i foudn the check out.... I notice they are all muslim ...I thought it was interesting so i am behind this lady, and then the checker goes "line over there" mind you NO ONE BUT ME WAS IN LINE. seriously i had to walk TEN feet away to stand in this so called "line" 3 seconds later she says okay i can get you down here... and then proceeds to ask if i want a credit card. I said NO and she goes are you sure, i said yes im really in a hurry, then in her accent she is like you want fundraiser? im like what? and she repeats herself. THEN i go NO I JUST WANT TO GO NOW!!!!! she said ok sorry and rang up my items. Chuckie cheese was right across the street. We got in and it was so crowded. I got a bit panicy. But We were all starving, and we searched for a booth and finnaly found one. I went and orderd a pizza deal that came with litterally a million coins. omg. AND The lady goes "omg omg WHERE DO you get your nails done? mind you i pulled 2 off LOL and she is like I love them who does them? I said i do.. she goes where is your salon.. I said oh i don't have one i live in ellensburg.. she goes oh i don't know where that is and i say oh it's by yakima, and she is like ohh thats so far away. Well that made me happy someone loved my work! After we eat our yummie pizza omg! we go play and it was so much fun you can run around and play games and everything! This was my first time ever going. I found this toddler game that was so fun, it was a volcano that shot out balls and you had to catch them well i won every time and got 28 tickets per jackpot! I was hording it because it was the only game that you really could win alot of tickets. LOL The babies played table hockey they LOVED IT! and Caitlyn won an icecream.. it was like a mini vegas for kids! we stayed about 3 hours. IT WAS A BLAST!!!!! so that made up for the semi-crappy zoo trip. Then as we were about to leave the lady checks our hands, for security mesures to insure that they are our kids. well some dipshit didn't give us the right stamps i guess. and so she gets down to caitlyns level and says "Is this your daddy?" she looks at me and it looked like she almost wanted to say NO! LOL THEN she goes, is this your sister? and she goes yea.. then is this your brother and she said yea.... and then goes well this other baby is a twin. and the lady goes okay i believe you. and she let us leave. Great security! :) My god im so worn out. And Brandon dind't sleep the night before he was up cleaning the house so i could steam clean later tonight and so he was dead tired and asked me to drive the rest of the way home. Now we are home and we are all beat! MAN what a day I think i'll stink with 4 children who needs more not I LOL....good luck Mom of 14 octuplet lady. You will never be able to enjoy a zoo trip or fun at chuckie cheese like i did.


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