I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Whether you read this or not.

I am still having a hard time dealing with the fact that my son has Diabities it's hard for me to grasp that he has to live with this disease for the rest of his life. I hope someday there will be a cure, but for now we have to deal with watching what we eat, his blood sugar levels and really watching them when he is sick. I honestly don't know what i would do if anything happend to my children it's hard for me to even think about. However there is this reality called LIFE and there is a beginning and an end and I hate to think of the end to anything. This affects the way i feel about having more children although i can't at this moment because my tubes are tied, IM afraid that something horrid will happen to my children. You really don't know what love is untill you have your own children atleast for the majority of us. I can't even bare to think about that poor little caylee anthony how her precious life was brutely taken from her alledgley by her mother (innocent untill proven guilty) BS :| Everytime i see Casey on t.v. I want to punch her so hard beat her face in with such anger of what she did. I look at my twins and think how could anyone hurt such a little innocent baby? it's so hard to imagine, I don't want to think about it.

Today i worked out it felt so good to do my 30 min of cardio and then some weights it's really good for the body as of now im 153 pounds I started at 160 3 weeks ago. My goal is atleast 130:) i want to be extreamly tone! I have a swimsuit picked out and everything it gives me hope! I know i can do it again I USUALLY get what i want, yes im that kind of woman.. I get what I want.

The twins are going to be 3 in July I can't believe how fast time flys I remember them in my tummy and being HUGE and so much in pain it was worth every second of it. Im so blessed to have such a wonderfull family god i love my children with all my heart and sould they are me they are my husband , together they make US.


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