I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't keep produce around here.

Nope, I can't keep any time of fruit on my counters, I have these Two monkies who love to take my banannas and Clemintine oranges and peel them, take a bite and leave them all over the floor upstairs or downstairs. How do they do this you may ask without me even noticing? Well they are very VERY QUIET.... or I'll be at the gym and Brandon will be paying attention to TV or the computer and think the kids are just playing upstairs. It's money down the drain that I can't afford! I guess I'll have to find a way to stop this.

Right now my house is a disaster! It was spotless like 3 days ago and now I have a sink and counter full of dishes to do. IT'S OVERWHELMING! it's like serioiusly? Can we not just wash as we go? We even have paper plates. It still doesnt matter! I get to a point where im too overwhelmed and don't care anymore... wait, I take that back I DO CARE. I JUST get angry and start cleaning and making loud noises untill I get some help. Or the occasion where I'll be napping and I will wake up to a spotless house to a thoughtfull husband who takes it upon himself to do this, without even waking me. Speaking of sleep, my schedual is messed up beyond belife! I wake up at 7:15 get kids up, Caitlyn gets herself ready, and Brandon gets Bens meds and gets him off to school, so I just turn on Good Morning America and watch that, then Regis and Kelly... then I find myself falling asleep to the view and waking up at NOON! Then around 3 IM TIRED AGAIN and just want to sleep so I'll take a nap untill 5 or 6pm and I'm like OH MY GOD I SLEPT so much! Then we eat dinner and I go to the gym, come home and Im wide eyed and bushy tailed! I'll take some benadryl to help me sleep, sometimes it helps sometimes it doesnt. The only time I get my schedual back on track seems to be on the weekends when the kids don't have school. So hopefully over spring break I can be normal again.


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