I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

just another dream im jotting down.

Well i didn't get to bed until 3 am. In that time I had a dream about moving into a wonderful house, I kept having to record this mans voice about what he needed to do to the house. One this is they needed to spay the insides to get rid of any pests or bugs, I kept telling them I didn't see any. The house was amazing it was big, the walls were light blue, along with the rug was a light blue. there was an upstairs but the downstairs was intriguing to me. there were 6 flat screen tv's! I had noticed that Brandon arranged the furniture at strange angles and I didn't care for it. He had a big entertainment center blocking the downstairs bathroom. Oh that bathroom was beautiful and big the tube was very long and deep I was so excited because I could give the kids a bath and they would all have thier space. There was beautiful house plants in the bathroom and it made me want to go buy more for the house. I was shopping in a town that had many stores but still had the feeling of a small town, I noticed Mary working and another familar face, I was greeted very well by everyone. I had to ask where the plants were, and a lady directed me through out the doors to outside. I noticed my mom was with me and she was picking out these strange looking but beautiful plants and filling the cart up with them. We went back to the house, and it seemed to be full of junk but it was okay, because it was stuff that we had to unpack. I could feel myself begin to wake. I stopped myself from waking up to go back to this gorgeous place. The kitchen was amazing with an island in the middle surronded by stainless steel kitchen ware. I remember feeling happy that Brandon had bought this house for us.
In my Dream at times I felt a bit confuesed, mostly happy
sometimes frustrated with the man who was asking me if we really purchased the house.
Here is some things i foundHOUSE : You drive a car, but typically you LIVE in a house/apartment. Dreams about a HOUSE symbolize a larger aspect of your Self, and the aspects of Self which make the whole. Each room is said to symbolize a different aspect of your Self; for example:

AN ATTIC symbolizes your Higher Self, and your spiritual development & progress. Look at other symbols in the attic of your dream, and try to evaluate what they mean. Also pay attention to the feeling you experience in your dream...is it pensive, enlightening or what, exactly? All these things are clues for you.

A BATHROOM would symbolize the need for cleansing/purging/elimination of something in your life that isn't quite working, or that has served it's purpose and now it's time to move on.

A KITCHEN would symbolize the need or act of supplying nourishment or food for the body/mind/soul...whatever is currently "cooking" or developing in your life. If the food is plentiful, you have what you need. If the cupboard is bare, time to go shopping for new nourishment, and you need to figure out what is needed for that "shopping list."

A DINING ROOM is similar to the kitchen, but has more to do with immediate needs for supplying & utilizing nourishment, and less with the preparation or taking stock of those needs.

THE MAIN ROOM or LIVING ROOM symbolizes your daily interactions with others, and often you will have other people appearing in your dreams in this room. Remember, they represent aspects of YOUR Self, and not themselves. (See PEOPLE, above)

BEDROOMS symbolize the unconscious mind aspect of your Self, rest, dreams, sometimes sexuality issues in your life.

THE UPSTAIRS symbolizes your spiritual awareness aspect of Self, or the Higher Self that holds all the keys or knowledge to this life's role you are acting out, and always has your higher good looked after, no matter how it might seem otherwise.

I remember Leanna in my dream and i was asking her advice on what i should do about the living room because The entertainment center was blocking my way into the bathroom.
Heres what they say about people.

sleepwalkingPEOPLE : Every person that appears in a dream is supposed to represent an aspect of one's Self, and not actually be about that other person at all; rather, it is a quality or characteristic about that person that your dream is focusing on, and how it applies to YOU. Try to think about what aspect(s) this could be. It can be something you admire and wish to emulate and incorporate into your own personality, or it could be a more negative characteristic that you may dislike intensely in your waking life, but which is telling you something about yourself and your beliefs, judgements, & attitude. It could be a call to alter your thinking in some manner, in order to be more open-minded and accepting of this aspect in their and your own personality, because it is hampering your spiritual growth & making life harder for yourself. The other person in your dream is always mirroring something back to you about YOURSELF. Try to discover what that something is, and go from there. Once you get it through your head that the other person's appearance in your dream is NOT about them, but really about YOU, then you will get much more successful interpreting your own dreams. This takes constant reinforcing--I still find myself wanting to think it's about that other person instead of me. The only exception I know of is if the dream is precognitive.

Plants that were in my dream and what it may mean,

Dreaming of growing things can be a potent symbol of our own inner growth and how we feel about that. When positive, this can manifest as dreams of flowers, fruits, beautiful trees or healthy gardens. But when negative, the symbols can be more like dark scary forests, overgrown vines, or dead, wilting plants. (While different flowers, fruits and trees can all have their own unique meanings, I will address that perspective ina future post. This post is more about the concept of “plants” and trees in general.)

Positive plant dreams can be like other celebration dreams such as running or driving freely, swimming underwater or flying. This is often a healthy sign that we have learnt some important lesson - the growth, beauty and bounty of the plant representing new found feelings of confidence and self mastery. If we dream of nurturing a plant or garden, this can be a sign that we are learning to look after our self, to nurture our own inner needs, be they emotional, psychological or spiritual. To dream of picking flowers or harvesting fruit and vegetables can be a very powerful sign of reaping the rewards for hard-work invested, or of a new sense of abundance that might follow a period in life when it seemed we weren’t getting all the support and emotional nourishment we needed. Planting seeds can be the beginning of a new idea, relationship or way of thinking or behaving that we wish to grow into something stronger and more prominent in our self or in our life. Dreams of beautiful gardens can be almost mystical sometimes, and can create a profound sense of peace, belonging and union with nature. This is a sure sign we are onto some pretty good inner work, as we have discovered a place of great beauty within ourselves, and for some this may include the heavenly presence of a departed loved one, or even be a communion with the divine. Such dreams are to be treasured!


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