I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Monday, December 14, 2009

does anyone really read this

Well i just went threw 2 weeks of pure hell.

November 28th i go in to the ER because I can't pee and i look 9 months pregnant (i was even asked) they felt my abdomen and everything for contractions.

no no.. I'm tied.

So i get cathed and get some pain medication because my abdomen was really hurting. The Dr. advised me to get a cat scan (i did not want to because ive had so many) so i went along with it.
He comes back with the news. Well you have Hepitittis Im like WHAT? He told me that it just ment my liver was enlarged along with my pancerous. So i was admitted.

They had me so drugged I can't remember half of what happend all i knew was that I was on my way to Yakima to have a procedure done called an ERCP. Thats where they take a camera and look in your belly they first tried to sedate me.. and I wouldn't go under so I had to wait the next day to be put under the Micheal Jackson juice they call Propofol. I was intubated and the procedure did not work they were trying to put a stint in my common bile duct, but it was shaped funny.

So mind you i wake up to bad news. Still in pain.
I had a room mate who was oh no more than 18 years old just found out she was 18 weeks pregnant she didn't know and it was her 2nd baby! She had to have her gal bladder removed.

anyways I met a CNA named Jamie who quickly latched on to me as a friend. Before I was shipped to Seattle Virgina Mason we exchanged phone numbers.

Here I am 10 days into a hospital stay... They rush me by ambulance I was given Morphine on the way there and I was dreaming about the paramedic drinking water.. and i woke up and asked him why he had such a big bladder. LOL

So I get to go under anastesia again. Im not as scared I knew what to expect but boy was I wrong. They put the medication in my IV and it made my whole body BURN and it hurt for about 10 seconds and I was out. I had a hard time comming out of it too but good news they got the stint in and hopefully that will take care of my problems!