I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I was oh 29 or 30 weeks with the twins I had weekly ultrasounds, just to make sure that they were both getting nutrition and no Twin to Twin transfusion. Dr.Herman did actually think there may have been some TTT going on so he had me go to Bellvue and get a sonogram there where the people specialized in this.

We get there and the area was nice there were sparkly stars that were on the ceiling and a T.V where you could watch your Ultrasound. The lighting was dim and very comfortable. So me and Brandon are anxiously waiting for the tech to come in.

It was a young male. who was beyond flaming. WHICH is fine with me who cares you can just tell when someone may be gay. He was hurting my belly like no other! Then it got a tad awkward when he had to explain to me that he was going to insert a transvaginal object into my vagina, and shows me what it looks like and proceeds to put a condom on it, YOU can only imagine what is going threw my head let alone Brandons. I just wanted to laugh, really I did. He was tottaly professional but it was so funny all at once. and a bit wierd feeling putting that thing in my vagina and moving it around ....... But i bit my lip looked straight ahead at the t.v. and watched my two babies in my tummy. The Dr. came in told me the results and we left. The twins were just fine. =) That is my flashback after reading kats blog on her ultrasound.


Blogger Katamaran said...

LOL ooooo I hate those transvag u/s! The whole "insert it yourself" business doesn't make it any easier either haha! The room sounds so nice though! I'm so glad there was nothing wrong with the twins, could you imagine? I would think it's stressful enough just carrying them :0P Oh my gosh, thanks for the laugh though ;0)

March 21, 2009 at 4:59 AM  

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